Dr. Kirell Benzi is a data artist, science communicator and researcher.

His primary interests revolve around creating visual experiences that inspire, educate and empower large audiences using state-of-the-art technology.

In their whole, Kirell’s creations can be articulated and deciphered following an array of tones, shapes, dots, and lines staged according to the nature of the data. Through a hypnotic visual semantic, he works to show that algorithms have a soul… and that we can extract emotions from complexity using tools and methods that come straight from scientific research.

Kirell holds a Master of Science in Communication Systems from ECE Paris and a Ph.D. in Data Science from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). In 2017, he founded his studio Kirelion around the following skills.
S → 001
Information design
Creative technology
Research valorization
Public speaking
S → 002
Data art
Data visualization
Data science
Software engineering
Conference Kirell Benzi
Conference Kirell Benzi GAN


Nike | Google | Polar | Karius | Montreux Jazz Festival | International Olympic Committee | RTS | Zurich National Museum | EPFL Pavilions | Stanford | Princeton | Cornell | Berkeley | UCLA | UCI | UCSD | Concordia | UNIL | CHUV | Sorbonne | Santa Fe Institute | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Telecom Paris | ESILV | Paris Saclay | HeK | HSLU | Strate Design | ECV Paris | ECE Paris | European Union

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